5th track with Steven King's original work "Mist" as a theme.
People who are unlikely to recognize the reality that "There is something in the fog!"When encountering "something" that goes beyond human knowledge, a person can not honestly accept facts.But in the end people will have to accept facts ....In the novel, such people are clearly expressed.
It is a song that expresses such human emotions.
Originally it was more melodic, but while I was writing the score I began to think "something is different ..."The first draft of the score was completed and I tried typing this in a PC.It was useless as expected.
6-5"Unacceptable reality"
People who are unlikely to recognize the reality that "There is something in the fog!"When encountering "something" that goes beyond human knowledge, a person can not honestly accept facts.But in the end people will have to accept facts ....In the novel, such people are clearly expressed.
It is a song that expresses such human emotions.
Originally it was more melodic, but while I was writing the score I began to think "something is different ..."The first draft of the score was completed and I tried typing this in a PC.It was useless as expected.
In the second draft of the score (songs that I posted), I thought of a "certain sound" that seems like a echo of characteristic eight-note passages while using the motif of the main theme.It is not music that expressed properly by a melody.Picture-wise, it may be a sort of "sound effect" -like music.
*There are not many people who write in the score and type in the PC.However, I think that it is very important to imagine the composition of the song, the sound, etc. before heading to PC.It is necessary to create a score!Although it is a result, it can significantly shorten the time required for DTM!
Well, I'd like to make 1 or 2 songs that correspond to the action scene soon.It may be experimental music.
The song corresponding to this "Mist" will not be like the music made with "TROY" or "CONGO" ....
Sound cloud will be deleted in one week.
Sound cloud will be deleted in one week.
Thank you!
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